Company culture is a concept that often appears simple on the surface. Many might think of it as having a pleasant work environment, open communication, a prime location, and a variety of activities for employees. But is it really that straightforward?
My journey through office environments began when I was just 12 years old. I often spent long hours with my father, helping wherever I could despite my young age. Those days and nights were often frantic and stressful, as the business was deeply involved in creating feasibility studies for large-scale projects worldwide, with strict deadlines looming over everyone's heads.
In this high-pressure environment, there were often heated exchanges as individuals debated over what should take priority. Yet, despite the tension, the business functioned well, and the team felt a strong sense of unity when each study was completed and submitted. It was an extremely tough environment to work in, and in today's world, such conditions would likely be deemed unacceptable. However, for those who were part of it at the time, it was a powerful experience, driven by the high stakes involved—both financially and reputationally.
This kind of company culture is not for everyone, and it would be rare to find it today. What made it work, however, was the chemistry between the people involved. And this, I believe, is the essence of what makes a good company culture.
The Impermanence of Perfect Culture
Nothing in life remains constant. When something works, it's important to make the most of it, rather than worrying about losing it. Over the years, working in various offices, I've learned a valuable lesson: even when you stumble upon the perfect culture, it won’t last forever. So, if you're fortunate enough to find that ideal company culture, embrace it fully. Don't fret over its potential demise, because if you do, you’ll miss out on enjoying it while it lasts.
I've worked in environments where we had to use sleeping bags to keep warm, yet despite the discomfort, we were all happy because we believed in what we were doing, and the chemistry within the team just worked.
The True Ingredients of a Great Company Culture
So, what truly makes a great company culture? The answer is simple: you do. And so do the people you work with.
You can have all the perks, bonuses, and amenities in the world, but if you don't feel comfortable with the people around you, none of it will matter. What makes an office culture thrive is a shared belief in what you’re doing and the bond that forms between the people you spend more time with than your own family. If this dynamic is wrong, nothing else can make your office culture work.
This is why the perfect office culture often only exists for short periods, typically at the beginning of a business. During these early stages, everyone feels valued and everyone must pull together to make the company a success. However, as the business grows and becomes more successful, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain that great office culture. New staff join at different stages, without the shared experiences that bonded the original team, making it harder to preserve that same level of connection.
A good company culture is about more than just the surface-level perks. It’s about the chemistry between the people, the shared belief in the work being done, and the mutual respect and camaraderie among the team. While perfect company cultures may be fleeting, they are invaluable when they do exist. So when you find one, embrace it, contribute to it, and enjoy it while it lasts.